The Edgar M. Jolley Awards for Excellence recognize exceptional work within the EMJ family of companies. The “Jolleys,” named in memory of EMJ’s founder, are presented in three categories: Outstanding Performance, Outstanding Servant Leadership and Outstanding Project. This is the second in a seven-part blog series about the 2018 Jolley recipients.
At EMJ, a servant leader is defined as someone who leads by example, inspires and serves others, and exhibits EMJ’s core values by being trustworthy, selfless and gritty. These five employees received the peer-nominated Jolley for Outstanding Servant Leadership for their desire to put others first, lead by example, and inspire, support, train and invest in their peers.

Dueker (right), received the award at EMJ’s 50th anniversary meeting from Signal Energy Executive Vice President Julian Bell.
Chad Dueker, Director of Projects for Signal Energy, exhibits servant leadership in all that he does. He is very trustworthy, gaining the respect and loyalty of anyone with whom he works.
Recently promoted to a senior position, Chad makes the time to help his teams become better, whether it’s through a call or an on-site visit. Chad has always gone above and beyond his role to assist others that may be struggling or just need an honest, outside opinion.
His nominator summed up his personality in this closing statement: “I can’t say enough good things about the kind of person that Chad is. He has been a mentor to Project Engineers, Construction Managers, Superintendents, and his peers, and his selflessness is second to none.”

Lance Lindsey (right), received the award at EMJ’s 50th anniversary meeting from Jack Bowen, Executive Vice President of EMJ Construction Chattanooga.
Lance Lindsey, Lead Superintendent in EMJ’s Chattanooga office, sets an example for his team by helping in any way that he can and going above and beyond to make others successful. He truly exhibits selflessness when leading his team on every job.
In addition, he serves clients daily by following through and completing tasks efficiently and correctly every time.
His nominator wrote,
“Lance is a very good listener, and is probably the best superintendent I have ever worked with. I am very fortunate to have been able to work under and learn from him.”

Mathews (right), received the award at the 50th anniversary meeting from Ray Catlin, Executive Vice President of EMJ Construction Dallas.
Joe Mathews, Warranty Manager, has worked for EMJ Construction Dallas for more than 20 years. He is always willing to help others and serves with a joyful heart. Whether the task at hand is overwhelming or menial, he is always the first one to volunteer to help with a smile.
He welcomes new hires, teaching them the ropes of the office and making them feel at home from day one.
He is selfless, putting others first, whether he is faced with a crisis of his own; gritty, pushing through challenges and maintaining a positive attitude; and trustworthy, keeping his promises and doing the right thing.

Mitchell (right), received the award at EMJ’s 50th anniversary meeting from Chris Hall, President of Equitas Management Group.
Jason Mitchell serves in a dual role as Real Estate Coordinator and Office Manager for Equitas Management Group. Both roles have high demands, but he makes it look easy.
He serves those around him “quietly and dependably,” willingly accepting any requested challenge, while also taking initiative. His cheerful, positive attitude makes everyone around him feel valued and important.
His nominator wrote, “Jason is the kind of person that over-delivers, no matter what is asked of him, and the results are always thorough, thoughtful and polished. His spirit of genuine humility is an intrinsic part of who he is, which makes his brand of servant leadership especially inspirational to those of us who work alongside him every day.”

Whitmire-Reno received the award at EMJ’s 50th anniversary meeting from Chief Financial Officer Chuck McGlothlen.
Chelle Whitmire-Reno, Payroll Analyst in EMJ’s Chattanooga office, works tirelessly to ensure all aspects of payroll are correct, from time off to time sheets to expenses. Though always busy, she is upbeat, friendly and approachable.
Throughout the year, the accounting department went through several changes, and Chelle did a great job taking on more responsibilities in order to keep EMJ’s payroll up and running. Chelle is smart and passionate about her role. She takes her responsibilities seriously as she works selflessly to accomplish her work.
Her nominators wrote, “I interact with Chelle nearly every day, and she is a delight to work with. She is very hard-working and deserving of this award. Every few weeks I hear at least one person on my team say out loud, ‘Chelle is the best!’”
Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2018 Jolley for Outstanding Servant Leadership. To learn more about what it’s like to work at EMJ, click here.
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