EMJ has partnered with Make-a-Wish to grant the wish of a local child, and on Wednesday, the team was invited to attend WFAA’s “Good Morning Texas” with other local participating companies.
Since 1982, Make-a-Wish has granted wishes of more than 270,000 children with life-threatening illnesses in the United States, providing hope, strength and joy to them and their families.

The feature primarily promoted the North Texas Walk for Wishes, a multi-city 5k fundraiser on Saturday, April 1st. But there was more than the walk to celebrate.
EMJers set up at American Airlines Plaza in grass skirts and leis to surprise 11-year-old Anthony, a local Make-a-Wish sponsor child, with his wish: a trip to Hawaii to learn how to surf. Anthony has a cardiac condition, and two Dallas residents, Dennis Baird and Conner Samuels, made his trip a reality.
“As a parent, when your child goes through something traumatic, you never know the outcome,” said Rebecca, Anthony’s mother. “It’s a great thing to see how far he’s come.”
Next month, EMJ will present its sponsor child, Daisy, with her wish, a trip to Walt Disney World to meet Belle— a direct result of their fundraising efforts.
To donate to EMJ’s team and help fulfill more wishes, visit our fundraising page, and see more photos from the event here.