The Church at Liberty Square in Cartersville, Ga., is a cornerstone of Liberty Square. The development started in 1995 by what is formerly known as the Cartersville Church of God. The sanctuary with production-grade acoustics, lighting, and audio and visual equipment is the primary worship center for the more than 2,500-member church. Its structure includes a seemingly lightweight, arched steel frame that raises more than three stories above grade. This structural system allows the design team to minimize sight line issues while providing enough support for a full balcony and an elevated choir riser system. The adjacent education and administration wings are a mix of durable and cost-effective materials that provide for both an aesthetically pleasing appearance and low maintenance. The wings house a GHSA completion-grade basketball gym, a fully-functioning kitchen, ample classrooms, and more than 8,500 square feet of office space. The wings are the first step toward moving the church’s private school, The Excel Academy, to Liberty Square.
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