On the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, EMJ Construction, led by Co-Op Rashard Minnis, participated in “11 Hours of Remembrance,” a run/walk at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Sponsored by the UTC Army ROTC/SVO, the event honors those killed and injured on Sept. 11, 2001, and those whose heroic actions prevented more deaths. Participants carry an American flag or a flag of one of the U.S. Armed Services around a track and take at least one lap around the field with the goal of having at least one of the flags circulating throughout the day.

Photo by UTC
Minnis served the Marine Corps for 15 years prior to attending The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where he is pursuing a second degree in civil engineering with a minor in construction management while serving EMJ as a co-op. He reached out to his EMJ colleagues and asked them to join him in honoring the heroes of 9/11, and they answered the call.
Among those joining Minnis at the event was EMJ Project Engineer and military veteran Evan Rector, who served more than 11 years in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.
Thank you Rashard, Evan, and all of the military veterans at EMJ who served our nation. You exemplify our purpose to be people serving people.
Pictured are Kami Clark, Office Manager, EMJ Construction Special Projects; Evan Rector, EMJ Project Engineer; Rashard Minnis, EMJ Co-Op; and Cody Stubblefield, EMJ Project Engineer.
Read more about the event and see additional photos on the UTC blog.